Results for 'Rune Todnem By'

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  1. Leadership and Change: The Case for Greater Ethical Clarity. [REVIEW]Bernard Burnes & Rune Todnem By - 2012 - Journal of Business Ethics 108 (2):239-252.
    This article addresses the relationship between the ethics underpinning leadership and change. It examines the developments in leadership and change over the last three decades and their ethical implications. It adopts a consequentialist perspective on ethics and uses this to explore different approaches to leadership and change. In particular, the article focuses on individual (egoistic) consequentialism and utilitarian consequentialism. The article argues that all leadership styles and all approaches to change are rooted in a set of values, some of which (...)
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    Of Water Drops and Atomic Nuclei: Analogies and Pursuit Worthiness in Science.Rune Nyrup - 2020 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 71 (3):881-903.
    This article highlights a use of analogies in science that so far has received relatively little systematic discussion: providing reasons for pursuing a model or theory. Using the development of the liquid drop model as a test case, I critically assess two extant pursuit worthiness accounts: that analogies justify pursuit by supporting plausibility arguments and that analogies can serve as a guide to potential theoretical unification. Neither of these fit the liquid drop model case. Instead, I develop an alternative account, (...)
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    Ruling the Interregnum: Politics and Ideology in Nonhegemonic Times.Rune Møller Stahl - 2019 - Politics and Society 47 (3):333-360.
    This article offers reinterpretation of the current economic and political crisis through the lens of Gramsci’s concept of “interregnum,” departing from the model of “punctured equilibrium” to analyze the specific political dynamics of nonhegemonic periods between the breakdown of one ideological order and the emergence of a new one. Although political science has a range theories about periods of hegemony and paradigmatic stability, the periods between stable hegemonies remain distinctly undertheorized. A theoretical concept describing periods of interregnum is offered and (...)
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  4. The production of trust during organizational change.Rune Lines, Marcus Selart, Bjarne Espedal & Svein Tvedt Johansen - 2005 - Journal of Change Management 5 (2):221-245.
    This paper investigates the relationships between organizational change and trust in management. It is argued that organizational change represents a critical episode for the production and destruction of trust in management. Although trust in management is seen as a semi stable psychological state, changes in organizations make trust issues salient and organizational members attend to and process trust relevant information resulting in a reassessment of their trust in management. The direction and magnitude of change in trust is dependent on a (...)
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  5.  21
    Twentieth century philosophy.Dagobert D. Runes - 1947 - New York: Greenwood Press.
    pt. I. Ethics, by J. H. Tufts. Aesthetics, by D. H. Parker. Axiology, by W. M. Urban. Philosophy of law, by Roscoe Pound. Philosophy of history, by J. E. Boodin. Philosophy of science, by V. F. Lenzen. Philosophy of life, by A. N. Whitehead. Metaphysics, by E. W. Hall. Theology and metaphysics, by D. C. Mackintosh.--pt. II. Philosophy of the twentieth century, by Bertrand Russell. Kantianism, by A. C. Ewing. Philosophy of Hegelianism, by Richard Hoenigswald. The humanism of St. Thomas (...)
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  6. From (B)edouin to (A)borigine: the myth of the desert noble savage.Rune Graulund - 2009 - History of the Human Sciences 22 (1):79-104.
    This article examines the myth of the supposed superiority of the desert noble savage over civilized man. With the Bedouin of Arabia and the Aborigines of Australia as its two prime examples, the article argues that two versions of this myth can be traced: one in which the desert noble savage is valorized due to his valour, physical prowess and martial skill (Bedouin); and another, later version, where the desert noble savage is valorized as a pacifist, an ecologist and a (...)
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  7.  16
    Consolidating RRI and Open Science: understanding the potential for transformative change.Rune Nydal, Mads Dahl Gjefsen & Clare Shelley-Egan - 2020 - Life Sciences, Society and Policy 16 (1):1-14.
    In European research and innovation policy, Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) and Open Science (OS) encompass two co-existing sets of ambitions concerning systemic change in the practice of research and innovation. This paper is an exploratory attempt to uncover synergies and differences between RRI and OS, by interrogating what motivates their respective transformative agendas. We offer two storylines that account for the specific contexts and dynamics from which RRI and OS have emerged, which in turn offer entrance points to further (...)
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  8.  50
    (1 other version)Little big firms? Corporate social responsibility in small businesses that do not compete against big ones.Rune Dahl Fitjar - 2011 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 20 (1):30-44.
    This article examines the drivers and barriers for corporate social responsibility (CSR) in the Norwegian graduate uniform industry, which is a market devoid of large corporations, consisting entirely of two small businesses. It finds that these small businesses' CSR activities are not particularly well explained by the existing literature on CSR in small- and medium-sized enterprises, which assumes the presence of large competitors. This raises the question of whether small businesses that do not compete against large corporations may actually behave (...)
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  9.  20
    Dictionary of Philosophy: Revised and Enlarged.Dagobert David Runes - 1983 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    The aim of this dictionary is to provide teachers, students and laymen with clear, concise and correct definitions and descriptions of philosophical terms throughout the range of philosophic thought. In this volume, all branches of schools of ancient, medieval and modern philosophy are represented. This reissue of the 1942 edition, with scores of new entries, is an event widely heralded by both scholars and students. From Aristotelianism to Zoroastrianism, from Abbagnano to Swingli, the new edition of the classic work remains (...)
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  10. When is a Techno-Fix Legitimate? The Case of Viticultural Climate Resilience.Rune Nydal, Giovanni De Grandis & Lars Ursin - 2023 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 36 (1):1-17.
    Climate change is an existential risk reinforced by ordinary actions in afuent societies—often silently present in comfortable and enjoyable habits. This silence is sometimes broken, presenting itself as a nagging reminder of how our habits fuel a catastrophe. As a case in point, global warming has created a state of urgency among wine makers in Spain, as the alcohol level has risen to a point where it jeopardises wine quality and thereby Spanish viticulture. Eforts are currently being made to solve (...)
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  11.  44
    Shifting Knowledge Regimes: the Metamorphoses of Norwegian Reformism.Slagstad Rune - 2004 - Thesis Eleven 77 (1):65-83.
    This article traces the metamorphoses of Norwegian reformism during the last two centuries. In the Norwegian system, the shifting political regimes have to a remarkable extent been accompanied by shifting knowledge discourses. Regardless of whether its ideological dress was liberalism or socialism, a central feature of Norwegian reformism has been its basis in different versions of social science: it has been a scientific reformism. The legal knowledge regime of the civil servants’ state was towards the end of the 19th century (...)
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  12.  8
    Tools, exercises, and strategies for coping with complexity.Rune Storesund - 2023 - Hershey, PA, USA: Information Science Reference (an imprint of IGI Global). Edited by Ian I. Mitroff.
    We live in a world in which every aspect of our existence is influenced by inordinate amounts of complexity. Technical Complexity, for example, is not necessarily the same as Economic Complexity although the two are related. Similarly, Public Health and Social Complexity are different as well. Nonetheless, one thing above all is a prominent feature of today's world; all the various types and forms of complexity are not only related, but deeply intertwined. Today, an idea can travel the globe in (...)
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  13.  34
    Restrained Excess: Where Sophistication Meets the Grotesque.Rune Graulund - 2015 - Philosophy and Literature 39 (2):338-355.
    Readily conjured images of “grotesque” behavior—such as, say, vomiting on one’s plate during dinner or fornicating in public—are hard to envisage as acts of “sophistication.” In fact it seems that the grotesque constitutes the exact opposite of sophistication. For whereas the grotesque is loud and insistent, “characteristically [evoking] a sudden shock,” sophistication is characterized by that which is subdued and refined.1 Unlike the grotesque, which is to some extent defined by spectacle, sophistication is at its finest when it remains unnoticed. (...)
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  14.  40
    Pursuing and accepting hypotheses: a Peircean view of IBE.Rune Nyrup - unknown
    It is often observed that explanatory reasoning, especially the so-called inference to best explanation, plays a crucial role in theory choice in scientific practice. This paper defends an alternative account of the justificatory role of explanatory reasoning in general, and IBE in particular, inspired by C.S. Peirce's account of abduction. Most contemporary proponents of IBE take it to provide justification for accepting hypotheses as true. In contrast to this, the Peircean view defended here takes explanatory reasoning to first and foremost (...)
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  15.  26
    We have never been ELSI researchers – there is no need for a post-ELSI shift.Anne Ingeborg Myhr, Rune Nydal & Bjørn Kåre Myskja - 2014 - Life Sciences, Society and Policy 10 (1):1-17.
    This article criticizes recent suggestions that the current ELSI research field should accommodate a new direction towards a ‘post-ELSI’ agenda. Post-ELSI research seeks to avoid the modernist division of responsibility for technical and social issues said to characterize ELSI research. Collaboration and integration are consequently the key terms of post-ELSI strategies that are to distinguish it from ELSI strategies. We argue that this call for a new direction relies on an inadequate generalized analysis of ELSI research as modern that will (...)
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  16.  71
    Constitutionalism and Democracy.Jon Elster & Rune Slagstad (eds.) - 1988 - Cambridge University Press.
    The eleven essays in this volume, supplemented by an editorial introduction, centre around three overlapping problems. First, why would a society want to limit its own sovereign power by imposing constitutional constraints on democratic decision-making? Second, what are the contributions of democracy and constitutions to efficient government? Third, what are the relations among democracy, constitutionalism, and private property? This comprehensive discussion of the problems inherent in constitutional democracy will be of interest to students in a variety of social sciences. It (...)
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    Creations: medieval rituals, the arts, and the concept of creation.Sven Rune Havsteen (ed.) - 2007 - Abingdon: Marston [distributor].
    The meaning of the noun 'creation', and the verb 'to create', range from the traditional theological idea of God creating ex nihilo to a more recent sense of the process of artistic conception. This collection of thirteen essays, written by scholars of music, literature, the visual arts, and theology, explores the complicated relationship between medieval rituals and theology, and the development of an idea of human artistic creation, which came to the fore in the sixteenth century. The volume concentrates on (...)
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  18. Albert Einstein, "Out of My Later Years," by Harold Finegold. [REVIEW]Dagobert E. Runes - 1951 - Philosophical Forum 9:43.
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    Explanatory pragmatism: a context-sensitive framework for explainable medical AI.Diana Robinson & Rune Nyrup - 2022 - Ethics and Information Technology 24 (1).
    Explainable artificial intelligence (XAI) is an emerging, multidisciplinary field of research that seeks to develop methods and tools for making AI systems more explainable or interpretable. XAI researchers increasingly recognise explainability as a context-, audience- and purpose-sensitive phenomenon, rather than a single well-defined property that can be directly measured and optimised. However, since there is currently no overarching definition of explainability, this poses a risk of miscommunication between the many different researchers within this multidisciplinary space. This is the problem we (...)
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  20.  50
    Strategies in Abduction: Generating and Selecting Diagnostic Hypotheses.Donald E. Stanley & Rune Nyrup - 2020 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 45 (2):159-178.
    We distinguish three aspects of medical diagnosis: generating new diagnostic hypotheses, selecting hypotheses for further pursuit, and evaluating their probability in light of the available evidence. Drawing on Peirce’s account of abduction, we argue that hypothesis generation is amenable to normative analysis: physicians need to make good decisions about when and how to generate new diagnostic hypothesis as well as when to stop. The intertwining relationship between the generation and selection of diagnostic hypotheses is illustrated through the analysis of a (...)
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  21.  13
    The ethical dilemma of granulocyte transfusions.Erik Gustavsson, Rune Sjödahl & Elvar Theodorsson - 2020 - Clinical Ethics 15 (3):156-161.
    Granulocyte transfusions have been administered to patients with life-threatening infections for more than five decades. However, to what extent this should be the case is far from established. On the one hand, the clinical effects of these transfusions are difficult to prove in clinical studies, and the donors of granulocytes may be exposed to certain risks. On the other hand, clinical experience seems to support the idea that granulocyte transfusions do play an important role for severely ill patients, and the (...)
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  22.  18
    Physical Couple and Family Violence Among Clients Seeking Therapy: Identifiers and Predictors.Rune Zahl-Olsen, Nicolay Gausel, Agnes Zahl-Olsen, Thomas Bjerregaard Bertelsen, Aashild Tellefsen Haaland & Terje Tilden - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
    IntroductionCouple violence (CV) affects many, and the consequences of those actions are grave, not only for the individual suffering at the hand of the perpetrator but also for the other persons in the family. Violence often happens among more than just the adults within one family. Even if CV has been thoroughly investigated in the general population very few studies have investigated this objective on a clinical sample, and none of these have included family violence.AimThis article identifies and describes the (...)
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  23. Scientific knowledge in the age of computation.Sophia Efstathiou, Rune Nydal, Astrid LÆgreid & Martin Kuiper - 2019 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 34 (2):213-236.
    With increasing publication and data production, scientific knowledge presents not simply an achievement but also a challenge. Scientific publications and data are increasingly treated as resources that need to be digitally ‘managed.’ This gives rise to scientific Knowledge Management : second-order scientific work aiming to systematically collect, take care of and mobilise first-hand disciplinary knowledge and data in order to provide new first-order scientific knowledge. We follow the work of Leonelli, Efstathiou and Hislop in our analysis of the use of (...)
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  24.  24
    The Priest, the Sex Worker, and the CEO: Measuring Motivation by Job Type.Jan Ketil Arnulf, Kim Nimon, Kai Rune Larsen, Christiane V. Hovland & Merethe Arnesen - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Preceded by Attention Bias Modification on Residual Symptoms in Depression: A 12-Month Follow-Up.Tom Østergaard, Tobias Lundgren, Ingvar Rosendahl, Robert D. Zettle, Rune Jonassen, Catherine J. Harmer, Tore C. Stiles, Nils Inge Landrø & Vegard Øksendal Haaland - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:479724.
    Depression is a highly recurrent disorder with limited treatment alternatives for reducing risk of subsequent episodes. Acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) and attention bias modification (ABM) separately have shown some promise in reducing depressive symptoms. This study investigates (a) if group-based ACT had a greater impact in reducing residual symptoms of depression over a 12-month follow-up than a control condition, and (b) if preceding ACT with ABM produced added benefits. This multisite study consisted of two phases. In phase 1, participants (...)
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    National Repertoires of Moral Values.Ove Skarpenes, Rune Sakslind & Roger Hestholm - 2016 - Cultura 13 (1):7-27.
    The aim in this article is to widen the understanding of the significance of morality in the Norwegian social formation by comparing it with the French and the American case. After the introductory discussion of the new sociology of morality, previous findings from a study of the Norwegian middle class are reported. A short presentation of republicanism in France and Americanism in USA is followed by an analysis of the cultural and structural peculiarities of the Norwegian case, arguing that the (...)
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    Gradations of awareness in a modified sequence learning task.Elisabeth Norman, Mark C. Price, Simon C. Duff & Rune A. Mentzoni - 2007 - Consciousness and Cognition 16 (4):809-837.
    We argue performance in the serial reaction time task is associated with gradations of awareness that provide examples of fringe consciousness [Mangan, B. . Taking phenomenology seriously: the “fringe” and its implications for cognitive research. Consciousness and Cognition, 2, 89–108, Mangan, B. . The conscious “fringe”: Bringing William James up to date. In B. J. Baars, W. P. Banks & J. B. Newman , Essential sources in the scientific study of consciousness . Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press.], and address limitations (...)
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  28. Cryropolitics of Reproduction on Ice.Charlotte Kroløkke, Thomas Søbirk Petersen, Janne Rothmar Herrman, Rune Klingenberg, Stine Willum Adrian, Michael Nebeling Petersen & Anna Sofie Bach - 2020 - Bingley, Storbritannien: Emerald.
    Reproduction has entered a new ice age: the ability to cryopreserve reproductive cells, tissue and embryos are fundamentally changing our understanding of what it means to be a reproductive citizen. This book explores the ways in which opinions of desirable reproductive futures are feared or are being welcomed by advances in freezing technologies, with the authors situating their discussions of cryo-fertility primarily within the Scandinavian region, asking: * How does cryopreservation help mobilize particular understandings of reproductive time, reproductive rights and (...)
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    A Qualitative Exploration of Collective Collapse in a Norwegian Qualifying Premier League Soccer Match—The Successful Team's Perspective.Gaute S. Schei, Tommy Haugen, Gareth Jones, Stig Arve Sæther & Rune Høigaard - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The current case study focused on a crucial match in the qualification for the Norwegian Premier League. In the match, the participants of the study experienced a radical change in performance toward the end of the second half, from being behind by several goals to scoring 3 goals in 6 min and winning the qualifying game. The purpose of this study was therefore to examine the perceptions and reflections of players and coaches on what occurred within their own team and (...)
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    Deep brain imaging of three participants across 1 year: The Bergen breakfast scanning club project.Meng-Yun Wang, Max Korbmacher, Rune Eikeland & Karsten Specht - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16:1021503.
    Our understanding of the cognitive functions of the human brain has tremendously benefited from the population functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) studies in the last three decades. The reliability and replicability of the fMRI results, however, have been recently questioned, which has been named the replication crisis. Sufficient statistical power is fundamental to alleviate the crisis, by either “going big,” leveraging big datasets, or by “going small,” densely scanning several participants. Here we reported a “going small” project implemented in our (...)
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    (1 other version)Are We Pre-Theoretically Committed to Doxastic Voluntarism?Nikolaj Nottelmann, Anthony Booth & Rune Lomholt - 2022 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 14 (3):1-22.
    Much of the force behind doxastic involuntarism comes from our pre-theoretical judgement that any effort to form a belief simply by intending to form it must remain unsuccessful. However, despite this, ordinary language use of locutions like “chose to believe” are common. In this article, we present new experimental data that shows that the prevalence of ordinary language talk of “chosen beliefs” is no obstacle to doxastic involuntarism in a standard sense. While we employ the methods of experimental philosophy, our (...)
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  32.  52
    Centre and Periphery of Nano—A Norwegian Context.Kåre Nolde Nielsen, Trond Grønli Åm & Rune Nydal - 2011 - NanoEthics 5 (1):87-98.
    This work describes the nano field in Norway as currently emerging in the dynamics between two forms of nano research activities described along a centre-periphery axis. 1) There are strategic research initiatives committed to redeem the envisioned potential of the field by means of social and material reorganisation of existing research activities. This activity is seen as central as it is one of our premises that the standard circulating nano vision implies such a work of reorganisation. The fact that nano (...)
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  33.  32
    The Runes of Evolution: How the Universe Became Self‐Aware . By Simon ConwayMorris. Pp. xiii, 493. West Conshohocken, PA, Templeton Press, 2015, $39.95. [REVIEW]Benjamin Murphy - 2019 - Heythrop Journal 60 (1):112-113.
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    "German Existentialism," by Martin Heidegger [?], trans., with introd. by Dagobert D. Runes. [REVIEW]George P. Klubertanz - 1966 - Modern Schoolman 43 (3):308-308.
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  35. Letter on a Dictionary of Philosophy edited by D. D. Runes.C. A. Baylis - 1942 - Mind 51:296.
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    Buddhistiska ballader och larodikter (Sutta-Nipata translated by Rune E. A. Johansson).Gunnar Gällmo - 1980 - Buddhist Studies Review 2 (1):67-68.
    Buddhistiska ballader och larodikter. Bokförlaget Forum, Tegnérgatan 40, S-113 59 Stockholm.
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    German Existentialism: Martin Heidegger, Trans, with Introduction by Dagobert D. Runes. New York, Philosophical Library, 1965. pp. 58. $2.75. [REVIEW]H. M. Estall - 1965 - Dialogue 4 (3):415-416.
  38.  21
    The Dynamic Psychology of Early Buddhism. Rune E. A. Johanson.Malcolm Hudson - 1980 - Buddhist Studies Review 4 (3):92-93.
    The Dynamic Psychology of Early Buddhism. Rune E. A. Johanson. Scandinavian Institute of Asian Studies Monograph Series No. 37. Distributed by Curzon Press, London. 236pp. £4.75.
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    Feigl Herbert. Logical empiricism. Twentieth Century philosophy, edited by Runes Dagobert D., Philosophical Library, New York 1943, pp. 371–416. [REVIEW]Nelson Goodman - 1943 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 8 (4):148-148.
  40.  31
    ‘Teach Us the Secret Runes’. The Lord’s Prayer in Heliand.Frank G. Bosman - 2016 - Perichoresis 14 (2):39-51.
    The ninth century Heliand is a poetic retelling of the New Testament in Old Saxon, written by an anonymous monk for the purpose of confirming the conversion his fellow Saxons to the new faith. This conversion had been forced upon them by the Frankish invaders. The author adepts the story of Jesus Christ to fit within the feudal Saxon society and precursory Nordic mythology. This contribution focuses on the Saxon rendering of the Lord’s Prayer as it is situated in the (...)
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    Classics in Logic, Readings in Epistemology, Theory of Knowledge and Dialectics, edited by DAGOBERT D. RUNES. Philosophical Library, New York 1962, 818 p. [REVIEW]J. Klapwijk - 1965 - Philosophia Reformata 30 (1):58-59.
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    George Boole. Of syllogisms. Reprinted from 191. Classics in logic, Readings in epistemology, theory of knowledge and dialectics, edited by Dagobert D. Runes, Philosophical Library, New York1962, pp. 177–191. - Rudolf Carnap. Elementary and abstract terms. Reprinted from IV 117. Classics in logic, Readings in epistemology, theory of knowledge and dialectics, edited by Dagobert D. Runes, Philosophical Library, New York1962, pp. 221–229. - Lewis Carroll . The bilateral diagram. Reprinted from 674. Classics in logic, Readings in epistemology, theory of knowledge and dialectics, edited by Dagobert D. Runes, Philosophical Library, New York1962, pp. 230–233. - Gottlob Frege. Definitions. Reprinted from XVIII 92. Classics in logic, Readings in epistemology, theory of knowledge and dialectics, edited by Dagobert D. Runes, Philosophical Library, New York1962, pp. 329–342. - John Neville Keynes. Propositions. Reprinted from 631. Classics in logic, Readings in epistemology, theory of knowledge an. [REVIEW]Alonzo Church - 1964 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 29 (3):135-135.
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    "Letters to Friend and Foe," by B. Spinoza, ed. D. Runes. [REVIEW]Lee C. Rice - 1968 - Modern Schoolman 45 (4):358-358.
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    A Dictionary of Thought. [REVIEW]S. F. L. - 1959 - Review of Metaphysics 13 (1):191-191.
    Selections by Runes from his own writings, arranged alphabetically from "abhorrence" to "zero." It is hard to understand why this should cost as much as $5.00.--L. S. F.
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  45. Logical foundations of probability (1950).William Boardman - unknown
    The term 'explicatum' has been suggested by the following two usages. Kant calls a judgment explicative if the predicate is obtained by analysis, of the subject. Husserl, in speaking about the synthesis of identification between a confused, nonarticulated sense and a subsequently intended distinct, articulated sense, calls the latter the 'Explikat' of the former. (For both uses see Dictionary Of Philosophy [1942], ed. D. Runes, p. 105). What I mean by 'explicandum' and 'explicatum' is to some extent similar to what (...)
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    Myth, song, and music education: The case of tolkien's.Estelle Ruth Jorgensen - 2006 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 40 (3):1-21.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Myth, Song, and Music Education:The Case of Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings and Swann's The Road Goes Ever OnEstelle R. Jorgensen (bio)In this article I explore how myth and song intersect in J. R. R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings trilogy—The Fellowship of the Ring, The Two Towers, and The Return of the King—and Donald Swann's song cycle setting of Tolkien texts, The Road Goes Ever On.1 (...)
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    Lake Mekrijärvi and the Karelian Heartland.Tero Mustonen - 2024 - Balkan Journal of Philosophy 16 (1):5-18.
    This article discusses the Mekrijärvi boreal lake system in North Karelia, Finland, and the Koitajoki river. It traces historico-cultural interactions with the lake, from its role as an epicenter of Karelian rune singing and traditional practices, to the natural and cultural disruptions caused by large-scale natural resource extraction that shattered forests, peatlands, and waterbodies, and on into a new era of restoration. In the 2000s a community-driven NGO began to document oral histories and scientific evidence of the lake’s condition. (...)
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    German existentialism.Martin Heidegger - 1965 - New York,: Wisdom Library; [distributed to the trade by Book Sales. Edited by Dagobert D. Runes.
    On the day of German Labor, on the day of the Community of the People, the Rector of Freiburg University, Dr. Marin Heidegger, made his official entry into the National Socialist Party. And so begins one of the most controversial philosophical texts available today. Heidegger, a German Nationalist and proud Nazi, thoroughly examines the history, the philosophy, and the rise to power of the Nazi movement in Germany. Martin Heidegger s distinguished Italian colleague, Professor Benedetto Croce, said of his German (...)
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  49. The Official Catalog of Potential Literature Selections.Ben Segal - 2011 - Continent 1 (2):136-140.
    continent. 1.2 (2011): 136-140. In early 2011, Cow Heavy Books published The Official Catalog of the Library of Potential Literature , a compendium of catalog 'blurbs' for non-existent desired or ideal texts. Along with Erinrose Mager, I edited the project, in a process that was more like curation as it mainly entailed asking a range of contemporary writers, theorists, and text-makers to send us an entry. What resulted was a creative/critical hybrid anthology, a small book in which each page opens (...)
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    Myth, Song, and Music Education: The Case of Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings and Swann's The Road Goes Ever On.Estelle Ruth Jorgensen - 2006 - The Journal of Aesthetic Education 40 (3):1-21.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Myth, Song, and Music Education:The Case of Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings and Swann's The Road Goes Ever OnEstelle R. Jorgensen (bio)In this article I explore how myth and song intersect in J. R. R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings trilogy—The Fellowship of the Ring, The Two Towers, and The Return of the King—and Donald Swann's song cycle setting of Tolkien texts, The Road Goes Ever On.1 (...)
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